It is a good idea to read this before playing!
PAIRINGS (or, who am I playing?)
From left to right you can see; the board number; the seeding number (if you are 1 then you are top seed); the player with white and then the player with black
Golders Green, Muswell Hill, Kingston etc - each player has 25 minutes for the game plus 5 seconds per move added to the clock throughout.
Hampstead - each player has 60 minutes for the game plus 30 seconds a move added to the clock throughout.
Winner? Please report your result to the arbiter’s desk when you finish your game. If it is a draw the player with white should come to the desk.
Sections that are internationally rated by FIDE, TWO completed illegal moves lose, if claimed.
You will also lose if your MOBILE PHONE or other electronic device makes a noise during the game. You will lose if you take your phone into the toilet or out of the playing area whist your game is in progress.
Rapid events - you don’t need to record the game, but we do provide scoresheets for those wish to.
Standard events - you have to record the game throughout, on the scoresheets provided.
Shake hands before and after a game. Enjoy your chess.
When it is your opponent's move, leave them to concentrate.
If you want to offer a draw, then make your move, offer a draw. Then press your clock. Do not put your hand out!
Don’t make repeated draw offers to your opponent if they clearly don’t want a draw.
It is always Touch move / Touch Take!
Adjust your pieces on your own time, and warn your opponent before you do so
Please reset your pieces at the end of each game, and reset your clock if possible.
To thank Norman and yElena for the food. Feed your brain: eat lunch.
Do not remove chairs from their lunch table! There are plenty of chairs available - just ask.
That here are always other chess tournaments coming up - please take a Chess England leaflet!
Please help us by putting the equipment away at the end of the event (especially chairs if you’re fit!)
If you can’t stay for prizes then email me your bank account and sort code, and I will transfer your prize.